I am proud to say I dont swim in the mainsream of life. I march to my own wild caught Alaskan Salmon stream! So when I read Mommypotamus today I had to laugh. Outloud. So yes I know many mainstreamers think I am crazy. Even my own family thinks the same at times. I don't mind. Although some things I do believe in, I admit to not follow religiously because I am subject to fear at times on whether or not I may be wrong. But this is my list of things that mainstreamers find funny/odd/crazy/etc... about me:
1. A neo-natal nurse shot cucumber soup out of her nose at my friend's baby shower when I admitted our babies slept with us!
2. I do not believe in pacifiers past the newborn stage. Everyone deserves to have their voice heard and express themselves--especially a crying baby!
3. I avoid the pesticide/herbicide aisle at all stores...I actually hold my breath if I have to walk past one.
4. I believe the best way to teach children to respect others is to treat them with respect not demand it from them.
5. I dont give my kids ANY caffinated drinks. I am surprised daily at the sheer volume of people that disagree with this one.
6. On my oldest child's 1st birthday I was worried that too much icing on his first cake would give him a tummy ache since he had never had sugar! I still hear complaints about that birthday cake....
7. I too plan vacations around making sure I can get to Sid's in Taos--a health food store.
8. All about extened breastfeeding. Even used it to make babies cereal. Doesn't your cream of wheat taste better when made with milk instead of water?
9. I know fish is great for you...but only fresh water fish. I dont eat anything farm raised. The thought of it creeps me out!
10. I dont eat veggies or fruit out of a can. I dont freeze anythhing more than a couple days and never pork--freezing only slows the aging process. It does not stop it. (some things direct from the processor that are vaccumm packed are different)
I am really not so different in my own head...

This is too funny! I especially love #3!
thnx Heather for what you do. Next we should blog about the WEIRD things we feed our kids...other than breast milk..buckwheat pancakes, honey from the monks in Colleyville, "good bugs"...
Oh Rena, I had no idea you were swimmin' in my stream! It's great to know there are more out there-sometimes it gets lonely...
I had to laugh about the pesticide aisle-we're the same way on the detergent and cleaning products aisle:-)And when our kiddos were little and we put garlic oil in their ears when they got sick, instead of giving them antibiotics, my parents complained that they smelled like garlic bread instead of babies...but they are healthy now and rarely get sick so I'm sticking to my guns.
Non-conformists, UNITE!
Haha Denise, The hoidays have gotten away from me and I just saw this comment! I love the garlic idea. Send me more info. The funny thing is I was talking with a friend the other day about a lady we used to make fun of when we werre kids because she used weird toothpaste and fed her kids spinach noodles....careful who you poke at because you may become them! and we LOVE Tom's of Maine!
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