Bradford starts golf lessons this week. Berk's language explosion continues to amaze us! He talks so plainly for a 2 year old. His latest thing is to cross his arms and say "I so mad!!" He gets this from big brother who says is frequently, in response to Berk demo-ing his Legos. All in all they are getting along pretty well.
Daddy is teaching Bradford to cook. To which I leave the room bc it stresses me out a little that he is too young and will get hurt. But he can make grilled cheese, his own toaster waffle, peanut butter sandwiches and even mix up his own batch of cookies. It's the stove stuff that worries me. The rest I am totally fine with...
So I have confessed before about my organzation and cooking distractions that I prefer over actually cleaning! And here I go again...last weekend I put the food back in the quasi-pantry that was built in our house. I had rearranged the entire kitchen 2 years ago. And every morning since my husband, sister, mother, basically everyone visiting has continued to go to the wrong cab for a plate/coffee mug/can of soup etc etc etc... Well it struck again and all is right with the world for my hubby now. But since then I have drawn up plans to actually demo the existing pantry and expand into the garage and build a real live walk in pantry! This will surely make my life easier! So look out slegde hammer here I come. And no electrical is in the way this time. Elfa here I come...
So this is a record typing session and I am not even spell checking because if I dont hit post now this will be saved for all eternity like all the others from this month...

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