I must admit I was that snot nosed teenager that could not stand it when babies had runny noses, or spit up all over me or had a diaper explosion or drooled on me. NOTE: emphasis was the "on me" part. Second admission for the day, I have actually had the snot photo shopped out of a photo of my son! But only once!!
Let me introduce myself: I am Rena Arnold and I no longer care about any of these things. Call me a mom now I guess. A mom of boys no less...Maybe it started with my oldest who seems to have allergies that won’t quit, with a runny nose that would constitute a marathon if I were to chase after it all the time....Maybe it was due to my youngest son's bout with Acid Reflux that gave me the pleasure of cleaning up spit up for 9 long months. Constantly!! So much so it tainted my nostrils, so much that I smelled it everywhere I went. I was crazy about it. Changing everyone's clothes several times a day. Always wearing a cute monogrammed burp cloth. Going insane may be an understatement! I was beyond obsessed with getting rid of the smell. Then one day it stopped. Or I stopped worrying about it. Not sure which came first. But now I don’t care. I can clean up ANYTHING without flinching...well almost anything...
Now I don’t worry about the snot showing in the pic if the rest of the photo is still good. I am not freaking out if there is a little mashed banana in my hair if I see you at Target...Now I am not talking about a whole banana! But you get my drift. Enjoy life, love your kids even if they need a double dip bath, and love your husband when he takes the kids to school with Nutella still on their face! Because at the end of every day the snot really does not fall into the category of stuff that matters...

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