This month was way to short. I have not blogged in 18 days. I have celebrated a girlfriend's birthday, a husbands birthday twice, helped with a pre-school Valentine party, raced out of town ahead of a snowstorm as big as Texas, created an impromptu Valentine in the mountains for my boys, enjoyed a relaxing ski trip with the family, in bed with the flu, worked my real job, had my blog posted on Destiny In Bloom, and helped my cupcake girl Heather prepare for Baby Alexa coming in 3 days...So Maybe March will be slower--Who am I kidding? Nanny's birthday is in 2 days, Alexa will be born the next day, Arts Council Board Meeting, then the Oscar Red Carpet Party to celebrate my other cupcake girlfriend's belated b-day, new client to start working on(YEAH!), M-I-L's bday, Spring Break, MY BIRTHDAY, TMR with friends, emcee for Nana Pudding and on and on....Oh please do not think I am complaining because far be it. I am LOVIN' it. So here's to another Funtastic Month! Celebrate life and friends...Love ya,
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