Hostess with the Mostess®
Last year I helped a friend throw a family-friendly Halloween party full of
bright colors, creepy-cool skeletons, and cauldron-...
‘It takes a community to raise a child: luckily, communities…
The post 21 Best Parenting Blogs and Parenting Websites appeared first on Ideas
and Inspira...
I'm coaching Ivy's OBOB team (Oregon Battle of the Books) and heard that a
5th grade team always wins. *Well,* third grade is coming for you, fifth
When it came to introducing solids to my first child, I was adamant about
preparing homemade meals and offering as many nutritious, wholesome, and
Updated 4/2013: This information is outdated. Click here for a different
tip on how to add tweets to your blog. :)
Got a Twitter account? This tutorial wi...
Hey all -
So here's the deal: I've been writing this blog for over three years now...
but for the last several months, my heart really hasn't been in it. I...
In my opinion, you can't have too many pillows...on a bed, sofa, chair. I
am sure my husband would disagree though. This weekend when visiting the
I wanted to thank everyone for their generous donations to our Semi-Annual
Food Drive for the Keller Community Storehouse. As always, it was a great
Today was the final day of this project. It's bitter-sweet, for sure. In
fact, it still hasn't hit me completely. I was excited yesterday about
crossing th...
I am a wife totally in love with my husband, mother of 2 beautiful wild boys, part-time commercial real estate broker and an avid community volunteer. I live to give to others my attention, love and respect and teach my boys to do the same. I will talk about anything from breastfeeding, mommy seperation anxiety to shopping or community events. I will always talk about my BOYS. And yes, my husband is included when I say BOYS! What in the world are Tin Can Gypsies? We have had 2 Airstream Trailers we took camping with friends. We all affectionately called our Airstreams "Toasters" since they reseamble an old-fashioned toaster. One couple has a pop-up that has been nicknamed the "poptart"--to go along with the Toasters. Anyway, when we were traveleing in a caravan on a trip once, my husband said we looked like Tin Can Gypsies going down the road, we should make some t-shirts...hence the name...We are currently Toaster-less but in the market for one that will hold a pack-n-play comfortably!